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Do You Really Need a Traditional Office to Run Your Business?

Mar 21, 2023 13:42:43 PM by

Long-held beliefs about how things should be done can be difficult to release. If you have always worked in a traditional office setting you may have a hard time thinking about running your business any other way. However, the benefits of taking your work remote – lower overhead costs and increased flexibility – are hard to ignore. If you want to enjoy the benefits of working remotely but are unsure about whether or not it is possible, answer the questions below. Your answers to the three questions below will help you determine if you need a traditional office to run your business.

Do you spend most of your time on the computer or phone?



The way you spend the majority of your time will help you determine if you can take your job remote. Do you spend your day sitting in front of a computer? Do you interact with clients/customers via email and phone? There is no reason to stay tied to a traditional office if you run the majority of your business from your computer and phone. You can do it anywhere! In a co-working space you can do these elements of your work and avoid the high overhead costs and increased responsibility of having a traditional office.


Do you have clients coming in and out of your office every day?



The way that you interact with clients will impact whether or not you need a traditional office. Do you have clients coming in and out of your office every day? If so, you may need a traditional office. You can also consider renting an executive suite in a co-working space. You can have a private space to meet with clients and avoid the cost of a traditional lease. If clients only come to meet with you occasionally then there is no need to keep a traditional office for those meetings. You can use the conference room in a co-working space or rent out an executive suite as needed.


Does your team need constant supervision?



The type of team you have at your business will also impact your decision to maintain a traditional office or move to a remote design. Does your team need constant supervision? Do you have to look over the shoulders of your employees to ensure that they get their work completed? If so, then you need to remain in a situation where you can supervise your employees. However, if you have a reliable team that you trust to get work done then moving to a remote model is a great option.

The traditional office setting is no longer the only option for running a successful business. Many professionals find that it is possible to take their work partially or completely remote. If you are considering this as an option, schedule a time to tour 580 Executive Center to see what this space can offer your business.