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Is Shared Work Space Beneficial For Entrepreneurs?

Mar 21, 2023 13:43:11 PM by

If you’re an entrepreneur, I have serious respect for you – that’s a scary job! You’re basically a professional risk-taker. An entrepreneur has no guarantee of success or prosperity; just a strong self-belief in themselves and their business. If you partner that with a strong work ethic, that’s a big step in the right direction. Add in some quality employees and you’re on the way to a successful business enterprise. You know what else is a big help? A professional workspace. But as an entrepreneur, you’ve got to save money wherever you can. Why not save a chunk of cash by opting for coworking space?

  • But don’t I need an office…?

Do you? Think about it. What gets accomplished in an office? Work (usually). So what you really need is a place to get some work done. And you can get that from a coworking space at a fraction of the cost of a lease. We’ll provide you with a dedicated work space, high-speed internet access and some peace and quiet. Other people will be in the space, but they’re also working. This isn’t a social spot.

  • What about meeting with clients?

We’ve got you covered. With can provided meeting space as needed, and we have an entire building at our disposal. We’ll find a spot for you and your clients.

  • How about private phone calls?

We have some impressive phone booths, and these aren’t the kind Superman used to change in. We’re talking cushioned, private phone booths with doors that close. No one will eavesdrop on your conversation and you’ll be pretty comfortable.

  • Anything else I should know?

Just one more thing. We also have a full espresso bar in our coworking space, so you can get that much-needed caffeine fix. You can also do a little socializing there, in case human contact is missing from your work life. Who knows; you might even find a new client!

  • How can I learn more?

Contact us today or take a look around our website. We think you’ll be impressed with our coworking space; care to take a look?