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Executive Suites

What is the Difference Between Executive Suites and Office Space?

 Whether you are the owner of a small business, or an executive charged with the task of finding a satellite office for the corporation you work for, you are likely to be considering the two broad categories of office space types – An Executive Suite or conventional Office Space. There are similarities as well as distinct differences.

Executive Suites

Transitioning from a Home Office to an Executive Office Suite

If you are looking for an option for moving your business out of your home office, an Executive Suite Business Center might be able to provide you with  the whole package. 

Executive Suites

Who Has the Best Office Space in the East Bay?

 Reaching “Just Right!” As told by Goldilocks

We all remember the story. Too hot, too, cold. Too big, too small. Too hard, too soft. When it comes to an office space search, amidst the options and/or limitations of a targeted market location, our inner Goldilocks yearns for “Just Right!” So who has the best office space in the East Bay? That may seem elusive, but a Bear or a Goldilocks knows “Just Right!” when she sees it.

Executive Suites

Tips for Personalizing Your Startup Space

You have a personality, so why not show it? Whether you have a dedicated desk in a shared space or co-working environment or an executive suite, there are a number of things that you can do to make your startup space your own.

Why Personalize your Space

Whether it is a private office, shared office, or coworking space, personalizing your desk and work space can help to reduce stress and increase productivity. A clean environment that is personalized to you can also be more relaxing.

Here are some ways that you can personalize your space:

  • Place appropriate photos of friends or family on your desk, or add a framed quote that will give you comfort and perhaps, inspiration. Bringing a little piece of home into the workplace will help make your startup space your own.
  • Institute your own “clutter free” policy. Avoid the feeling of drowning in a sea of paperwork, so that you won’t feel overwhelmed and easily become distracted. File away anything that doesn’t need your immediate attention. A clean, clutter-free desk will invite creativity and help you stay more productive.
  • Stay organized. When you have a place for everything and everything is in its place, it’s much easier to stay focused and productive. A disorganized desk invites distractions and makes it an uphill battle to get work done. Invest in folders or file storage solutions to keep paperwork off of your desk and in its appropriate place.
  • Add personal accessories. A simple object that has sentimental value can do wonders to make your startup space more personal. Try to keep these accessories to a minimum to avoid clutter and choose ones that really have meaning to you.

Personalizing your startup space is all about telling your story. Make sure you tell yours.

Image Source: Cummings Properties

Executive Suites

Three Reasons to Consider a Virtual Office

The way that people work has shifted over the years as technology grows and changes. This shift is predicted to continue as more and more people work remotely some or all of the time. If you are one of the many people that now work remotely then you know that it comes with a unique set of challenges. When you work remotely, there are times when you may need some of the tools that come with having an office in order to do your work. You may need a place to meet with clients, an official business address, and occasional access to administrative help. Fortunately, you can get all of these things from a virtual office without going to the expense of opening up an office and hiring your own staff.

Executive Suites Conference Rooms

Accelerate the Growth of Your Business with the Help of 580 Executive Center

Growing a business can be difficult. There is a seemingly endless list of things you must get done each day and an even longer list of things you want to do in the future. In order to have time to focus on the things you want to focus on, you need to streamline every area of your business that you can. This is where 580 Executive Center comes in. Using the services at 580 Executive Center can help you minimize your overhead costs, keep up with important communications, and provide you with the professional image you need to accelerate the growth of your business.

Coworking Executive Suites Conference Rooms

Will Clients Take Me Seriously Without a Traditional Office?

There was a time when the vast majority of business owners worked from a traditional office setting. They answered phone calls, met with clients, and did the majority of their work from nine to five at the office. There are many businesses that still operate in this manner but it is no longer the only choice. Improvements in technology have created a situation where working remotely or in a more flexible setting is an option for many businesses. As a business owner, you may be concerned that moving to a non-traditional setting will impact your clients’ opinions of you. This is a valid question and one that you should consider as you look into your options.

Executive Suites

Three Top Benefits of Renting an Executive Suite


The world of business has been changing for many years as technology continues to improve. For a lot of people, it is no longer necessary to be chained to a desk forty hours per week in order to get work done. Much of the work that occurs in the modern office can now be done anywhere with just a laptop and an internet connection. Because of this, more and more business owners and entrepreneurs are considering alternatives to the traditional office setup. One alternative to leasing a traditional office is an executive suite. Choosing an executive suite over a traditional office can provide increased flexibility, help minimize overhead, and give your business a professional image.

Executive Suites

Who Can Benefit from Renting an Executive Suite?

Renting an executive suite can be beneficial for several different types of people. Professionals who need flexibility can find that in an executive suite. Start-ups that want to minimize overhead costs can get a great deal with an executive suite as opposed to a traditional office. Executive suites are also a great option for businesses that are growing and changing quickly. If you fit into any of these categories, it is worth your time to learn more about what an executive suite can offer.

Executive Suites

Three Signs You are Ready to Upgrade from Your Home Office to an Executive Suite

 A home office can be a great place to start a new business. You can avoid the costs that come with leasing a traditional office. In addition, in the beginning stages of running a business it can be difficult to know what you need in terms of office space. As time goes on, you will be able to determine more accurately what type and amount of office space you need. There will likely come a time when you should look to upgrade from your home office to an executive suite.