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Virtual Offices

3 Mistakes People Make When Choosing a Virtual Office Lender

In the digital age, when people are connected at lightning speeds from all over the world, the need for traditional offices is diminishing. A virtual office is a smart, cost-effective option for businesses that don’t have a need for a full-time office.


Virtual Offices

Why is Renting Virtual Office Space so Beneficial?

The economy has finally recovered from the Great Recession of 2008, which means property value is back on the rise. So if you need to lease office space for your business, you may have noticed the prices can be quite high.

Virtual Offices

Virtual Office Space in the Bay Area: How to Choose an Address

The Bay Area is full of office buildings and skyscrapers, spanning from San Jose to Napa. It’s a diverse and vibrant area brimming with people and business opportunities. So why wouldn’t you want to have your business located here?


Virtual Offices

5 Reasons a Virtual Office is Better than a Traditional Office

The world has changed: the traditional 9-5 business office is starting to fade, as more people work from home or work for themselves. If you fall into this category, why not work in a virtual office? There are many benefits a virtual office has over a traditional office. Here, we’ll go over five of the best.


Virtual Offices

What are Virtual Offices?

Working from home offers convenience and practicality, as well as comfort, but it’s not without its shortcomings. Using your home address as your business address eliminates privacy, and acting as your own receptionist is a hassle. But there’s a solution that’s both cost effective and easy: A virtual office.

Virtual Offices

Which is Better for a Start-Up: a Virtual Office or Office Space?

If have a start-up business, you’re probably running a pretty small operation; not a lot of employees, limited capital and a lot of work to be done. You might be operating the business out of your home, or you could simply have your current employees all working remotely and connecting digitally.

Virtual Offices

Start-Up Businesses: Why a Virtual Office Will Help You Grow

When you’re running a start-up business, your current set-up is probably very small; very few employees, a limited budget and you may not even have an official office.

Virtual Offices

What is a Virtual Receptionist?

Virtual offices have become very popular in the internet age. With the increase in telecommuting, working from home and self-employment, more and more people are looking for a way to establish a professional office “storefront” for themselves without the hefty cost of a full-time office.

Virtual Offices

10 Tips to Help Select a Virtual Office Suite (Bay Area Edition)

You’ve decided to rent a virtual office, but you don’t know how to choose. There are several things to consider when picking an office for you or your business. Here are 10 of the most important:

Virtual Offices

Virtual Office California: 3 Tips For Choosing an Address

If you’re in the market for virtual office space, first of all: congratulations! You’re making a very prudent and cost-effective decision for your business. But now there’s an even bigger decision in front of you – where exactly should you rent your virtual office if you want one in California?